5 Tips to Improve a Credit Score
A credit score depicts the creditworthiness of an individual. The higher the credit score, the greater the chances of a person getting a loan to buy a house, car, or education. The credit score is based on the credit history of the individual and if you have not paid your loans and taxes previously as per schedule, the credit score will be low. Tips to improve your credit score If you are wondering how to improve your bad credit score, here are some answers. Pay your bills on time Lenders are offering credit for a small amount of interest that they will receive on the money. However, to ensure that the money will be safely recovered, they need to understand your financial habits. If you pay your bills on time, it is understood that you make good financial decisions, and you can be trusted. Thus, it is always better to make timely payment of your expenses if you are looking to borrow money from a financial institution in the future. Maintain older credit cards While many people will be tempted to cut down and discontinue old credit cards if you are not using them, retaining credit cards is actually good for your credit score.