5 Natural Remedies to Treat Asthma

5 Natural Remedies to Treat Asthma

Over 24 million lives in the country are affected by asthma. Although there are several traditional medicines that can ease the symptoms, preventing the triggering of an asthma attack is still the best approach to manage the condition. So, here are 5 ways to treat asthma naturally and make it easy to live with the condition.

Changes in the diet
There is no specific diet that can help in relieving the symptoms of asthma. However, making some dietary modifications can help you live with the disease. Obesity can worsen the condition worse. Therefore, having a healthy body weight is extremely important. This can be done by making certain diet changes. Including vitamins such as E and C should be a part of your diet. This can help in reducing any inflammation in the surrounding areas of the airways. Certain foods are also known to trigger asthma attacks as an allergic reaction. Such foods must be eliminated from the diet.

Steam bath
Getting a steam bath is not only relaxing for the senses, but it is also one of the effective ways to treat asthma naturally. A warm bath is a commonly used remedy to treat blocked airways when someone has a common cold. It can have the same effects on the body when someone is having an asthma attack. As soon as the symptoms start to show up, getting a steam bath can help in easing the symptoms. However, you should also make sure that you keep the heat in check because excessive heat can worsen the symptoms.

The health benefits of garlic have been known for years. The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and other benefits were shown in a 2013 study too. Therefore, since asthma is an inflammatory condition, garlic can help to relieve the symptoms effectively. However, there still needs to be more evidence to show the effectiveness of garlic to prevent any flaring up of the symptoms of asthma.

Honey is one of the common and the most effective remedies against the symptoms of cold, including throat ache and cough. It is also used as a natural remedy to get relief from the symptoms of asthma. You can mix a small amount of honey in any hot beverage, such as herbal tea, and drink it to get relief from the symptoms. However, more research and evidence is needed to show that honey can be used as an alternative remedy to treat asthma.

Just like garlic, ginger also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an effective remedy for asthma. It was seen in a 2013 study that taking oral supplements of ginger showed relief in asthma symptoms. However, there was no evidence that taking ginger could improve the functioning of the lungs.